When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream, then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them. (Psalm 128:1-2).

Welcome to our month of Deliverance. May the Lord deliver us all from all our troubles of lives, in the name of Jesus Christ.

“The angel of the Lord encamps(surround) around those who fear Him, and delivers them” (Psalm 34:7).

Deliverance means rescue from bondage or danger. Another name for deliverance is liberation, salvation, and release.

In the above scripture; we saw how the angel of the Lord surround all around us who fear the Lord. Our lives are saved, guided and protected in Him. God is very much concern on what we are going through and how we come out of it.

In Psalm 91:1 says “as we dwell (abide, stay, reside) in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”.

As children of God, our lives are safe and secured right in the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). God is a wall of fire around us and He is a glory in our midst and we are also the apple of His eyes” (Zechariah 2:5,8).

The secret place of the Lord is His innermost chamber. The inner chamber of the Lord is for His children just like bread (food) are for the children and crumbs (bones) for the dogs (Matthew 15:26).

Even though these promises are for us. We still need to follow some steps. 20“Behold, I send Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you the place which I have prepared” 21 beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him” (Exodus 23:20-21).

Our God is a God of principles. He is committed to delivering us when we follow and call upon Him. Our God always ordered our steps and our ways shines brighter into perfection (Proverbs 4:18). God is He who takes care of what belongs to Him. He is committed in our daily affairs. Therefore, we should not let our heart be troubled with any troubling situations.

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills- from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow my foot to be moved; He who keeps you (me) will not slumber” (Psalm 121:1-3).

· Remove your eyes from wrong things and look at the right things (Psalm 119:37)

· Remove your eyes from the storm and look unto Jesus (Matthew 14:29-33)

· Move your heart from wrong thoughts and think right (Proverbs 4:23)

· Make out a right path for yourself (Proverbs 4:26-27)

In conclusion; let us stay in the Lord for in Him we have life securities. Let us do what pleases Him because His angel which encamps around us and will not pardon our continuous disobedience. God dwells in righteousness and holiness and not in sin. Keep your life pure. God bless you.

Prayer Points:

1. Father I thank you for You always hear me, in the name of Jesus.

2. I challenge my foundation with the blood of Jesus.

3. Anything troubling me from my foundation, die in the name of Jesus.

4. I refuse to cooperate with my enemies, in the name of Jesus Christ.

5. Anything in me that is cooperating with my enemies. Jump out and die, in the name of Jesus Christ.

6. O Lord, deliver me from myself, in the name of Jesus.

7. O Lord, restore my faith in you, in the name of Jesus.

Pray as the Spirit of the Lord gives You utterance



In Ezekiel 37. The Lord asked prophet Ezekiel if the very dried bones in the valley has hope for life.

Prophet Ezekiel answered, “O Lord Only You Knows”. God commanded Him to speak to the dried bones; he did not doubt or feared rather he opened his mouth and began to speak the Word of the Lord.

Remember, wherever the Word of the King is; there is power” (Eccl 8:4). As he was commanding, Lo and behold, the bones rose up until they became very great army ready for battle.

Regarding the economy situation in our country, the Lord is asking us if this situation can change? If our answer is yes; we will begin to speak as the Lord has commanded; our economy will change for good and we will become economic giant of Africa. Remember we are the watchmen of our country, let us arise and take our place as the ministers of God. Let us speak to our economy to arise and live. For God honours His word above His name.

1.    Father I thank you for our great nation, in the name of Jesus Christ.

2. I take authority over the economy of our nation, in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. Any evil power manipulating our economy, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.

4. I cancel any satanic prophesy upon our economy, in the name of Jesus Christ.

5. Any satanic hand upon our economy, be removed and wither, in the name of Jesus Christ.

6. Our economy, come out of the grave in the name of Jesus Christ.

7.  Let the rain of revival fall upon our economy, in the name of Jesus Christ.

8.  Lord! Direct us on how to revive our economy, in the name of Jesus Christ.




“Then God said, “let us make man in our image, according to our likeness… 28 Then God bless them, and God said to them, “be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth” Genesis 1:26-28.

As a child of God in a community, God put us in our environment so we can take care of it. We are the light of our environment. We are also the salt which is the flavor of this world, Matthew 5:13-16. If you are not what you supposed to be; you will be trampled under and disregarded.

Our responsibility as members of our communities is to love our environment.  It may not be the kind of place you want to be. But as you are there; pray for that place for God's presence and blessings. Take care of where you are now.

Be the watchman over your community Ezekiel 33. Pray for salvation, protection, good health and prosperity of your community.

Prayer Points:

1. O Lord, I thank You for where I am now, in the name of Jesus.

2. O Lord, come and take your place in my community, in the name of Jesus.

3. I take authority over my community, in the name of Jesus.

4. I uproot every root of darkness in my community, in the name of Jesus.

5. I pull down the altars of darkness in my community, in the name of Jesus.

6. I build an altar of righteousness in my community, in the name of Jesus.

7. I speak salvation to the heart of my community members, in the name of Jesus.

8. Let the peace and blessings of God be upon my community, in the name of Jesus.

Pray as the Spirit of Leads you



When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream, then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them. Psalm 128:1-2.

In this month of September which is our month of elevation. The Lord has a word for us “If you DILIGENTLY OBEY THE VOICE OF THE LORD YOUR GOD, TO OBSERVE CAREFULLY ALL COMMANDMENT WHICH I COMMAND YOU TODAY, that the LORD YOUR GOD WILL SET YOU HIGH ABOVE ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH” Deuteronomy 28:1.

In Genesis 39; we saw how Joseph was sold to Egypt to serve as a slave. He was jailed on false accusation that he attempted to rape Potiphar's wife. In the eyes of men; it looks like Joseph is finished. He cannot rise again. Many people who saw how bright his star was; thought he can never rise again. Joseph did not give up on the promises of God for his life. Therefore, never give up on your dreams.

I believe he said to himself despite being cast down many times, “exaltation will come” and his lifting came when it was not expected Job 22: 29. Joseph was no longer a prisoner or a slave, rather a prime minister.

I do not know what you are going through right now. Are you at the zero point? Maybe your life has been revolving around the circle with nothing to show for despite all your efforts. Is it a disappointment, rising and falling or rejection? All these cannot hold you down, if you believe in your heart that there is a lifting up which no power can be able to stop.

Have you been written off by your family, community or your generation? Stand strong for there is a lifting up. Look up, look at the four corners of this world. All these lands the Lord promised to give them to you. Genesis 13:14-17.

For us to be lifted; there are somethings we need to do-

·   “Acquaint yourself with Him (know God by yourself), and be at peace; thereby good will come to you” Job 22:21.  It is very important to know your God. Daniel 11:32. It is very important to know His ways and His works as well. Psalm 103:7. Becoming a worshipper of God is better than being a religious person. A religious person only clean him/herself on Sundays. A religious person only read bible on Sundays. But a worshiper is a friend of Jesus and he always walk with Him. He is connected to God. He has a personal relationship with Him. If only you can make Him your number one friend, you will see how sweet and pleasant it is to be a child of God.

·   Receive please instruction from His mouth and lay up His words in your heart. Job 22:22. we need to study, memorize and meditate on the word of God, so we can be able to believe what the Lord is saying. The book of the law (word of God) should not depart from our mouth. The Word of God is to help us to know what is wrong and right.

·   Return to God. If you return to the Almighty, you will be built up, you will remove iniquity far from your tent. Job 22:23. God's desire is for us to return to Him and He will return to us, Zechariah 1:3. God want to build us up. He wants us to live a holy life. He wants us to be sincere with ourselves. He wants us to come and discuss our issues with Him. He wants to cleanse us from the guilt of sin. He wants to be in our midst. He wants to be glorified in our lives. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death” Revelations 21:7-8, Galatians 5:19-26.

In conclusion, we should look up and far beyond our current levels and situations. We need to see and know the plans and purpose of God for our lives and walk in it. Awake and put on your strength, child of God, put on your beautiful garments, O child of God, the holy city of God.  Take your spiritual position, arise and go to the higher ground that the Lord has ordained for you Isaiah 52:1.

God desire for Lot was to go to the mountain top, not on the plain or in the valley. Genesis 19:15-20. Do not desire to be where the Lord did not ask you to be. Do not hang out with the people God did not allow you to hang out with. Do not eat that thing which the Lord has said no to you because it is for your own good. Do not settle for less just because you consider it to be within your reach and easy to get. Arise with fire in your heart to reach where the Lord designed for you to be. Arise to reach your divine spiritual upliftment, in the name of Jesus.

Prayer points

1. O Lord, give me the grace to follow your leadership, in the name of Jesus.

2. O Lord, resurrect my hunger to obey you, in the name of Jesus.

3. O Lord, take me from where I am to where you want me to be, in the name of Jesus.

4. I bind and cast out the spirit of backwardness in my spiritual life, in the name of Jesus.

5. Holy Ghost fire, burn off every impurity in my life so that I may be an obedient child of God, in the name of Jesus.

6. O Lord, take me to my highest level, in the name of Jesus.



“We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the SPIRIT OF TRUTH and THE SPIRIT OF ERROR” (NKJV) …That is how we can tell the Spirit that tells the truth from the one that tells lies” (CEV) 1 John 4:6.


Examination is here again for the second term. You are required to study harder and make more revisions so you can pass with excellent marks. In the above scripture, I would like to point out the two different spirits. (1) Spirit Of TRUTH and (2) the SPIRIT OF ERROR. The spirit of error is from the devil. The spirit of error is a spirit of diversion. It is the spirit of manipulation. It weakens you from fulfilling your desire in your study, it makes you to do wrong things at the right time; for example, you suppose to stay at home studying and  that is the time you are hanging out with friends. Or the subject you are studying today is not what you are going to write tomorrow. Or you might do something in the examination hall that will cause you to be disqualified.


Remember, “satan came to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10)”. The devil never wants anyone to fulfil his or her destiny. Whatever good you set your heart to do; devil will step in to distract, manipulate or divert you.  This is an evil spirit which try to alter or change your effort.

This is the spirit which contradict what God has for us. He always deceives you that you know the subject very well. You should study other ones. When you open the book for other subjects, he will still tell you that you know it very well.  He will keep on deceiving you, manipulating your mind against the right things.


The Spirit of TRUTH is the Spirit which comes from the Lord. It is the spirit of empowerment and strength. It helps you to fulfil your dreams. It energizes your mind to press harder in your study. It is the one that will help you to keep in your mind what you have learned and to remember what you have learned. When you are studying; always ask Him to help you to retain what you are studying in your memory. In the examination hall, ask Him to remind you everything you have learned. Ask Him also to empower you in your study. You must also try to push yourself harder to study. “Jesus come for you to have life and have it in ABUNDANCE (John 10:10b).

Always ask Holy Spirit to help you in your study. You should determine to succeed in your school work.   Concentrate more on your books. Even after examination, never stop learning or reading your books. God bless you!


Prayer Points

1. Father, I thank You for always answering my prayers, in the  name of Jesus.

2. I put on the complete armor of God on my spirit man, in the name of Jesus.

3. I challenge my environment (residential, school) with the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

4. I pull down every altar of error in my environment, in the name of Jesus.

5. I challenge every sacrifice of error offered against me, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.

6. I uproot every tree of error in my foundation, in the name of Jesus.

7. I command every seed of error planted in my life to die, in the name of Jesus.

8. Every stronghold of satanic influence over my study, break and lose your hold, in the name of Jesus.

Pray as the Spirit of the Lord gives you utterance!



Topic: O LORD! CORRECT MY ERRORS There is an evil spirit known as the spirit of error and its agenda is to push the children of God in all kinds of errors. These errors come with human good reasons and feel extremely comfortable to commit the error/s. “We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error”1 John 4:6. This spirit has worked and hindered the works of God, because it succeeded to push men of God into all manners of errors. This spirit is so subtle that if we are not sober, we cannot even discover it. May the Lord set us free from this subtle spirit, in the name of Jesus. Praise and Worship Scriptures Reading: 1 Chro. 21, 1 Sam 5, 1 Sam 13:1-14, Eccl 9:10-11, Eccl 10:5-8, 2 Kings 13:14-19, Heb. 4:14-16 Confession: Ps. 27 Prayer Points 1. Father I thank you for the victory which I have in Christ Jesus, in the name of Jesus Christ. 2. Father forgive me any known or unknown sin, in the name of Jesus Christ. 3. Father forgive me any known or unknown sin of my ancestors, nation, and generation, in the name of Jesus Christ. 4. I put on the complete armour of God on my spirit man, in the name of Jesus. 5. I take authority over the remaining days of this year, in the name of Jesus Christ. 6. I take back any ground I have given to the enemy in my life, in the name of Jesus. 7. By the blood of Jesus, I stop and push back any satanic advancement against me, in the name of Jesus. 8. Any satanic encroachment in my life, die in the name of Jesus Christ. 9. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making financial errors, in the name of Jesus. 10. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making ministerial errors, in the name of Jesus. 11. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making business errors, in the name of Jesus. 12. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making marital errors, in the name of Jesus. 13. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making leadership errors, in the name of Jesus. 14. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making spiritual errors, in the name of Jesus. 15. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making parental errors, in the name of Jesus. 16. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making spousal errors, in the name of Jesus. 17. Blood of Jesus! Quench any fire of error burning against me, in the name of Jesus. 18. Holy Spirit! Stop any flood of error raging against me, the name of Jesus. 19. O Lord arise and fire back any arrow of errors fired against me, in the name of Jesus. 20. O Lord arise and set me free from foundational errors, in the name of Jesus. 21. O Lord arise and set me free from generational errors, in the name of Jesus. 22. O Lord arise and set me free from environmental error, in the name of Jesus. 23. O Lord arise and set me free from seasonal error, in the name of Jesus. 24. O Lord deliver me from wrong identity, in the name of Jesus. 25. O Lord repair any damage done in my life because error, in the name Jesus. 26. O Lord restore all I have lost because of error, in the name of Jesus. 27. O Lord remove my feet from the paths of error, in the name of Jesus. 28. O Lord separate me from the congregation of error, in the name of Jesus. 29. O Lord arise and deliver me from the strongholds of error, in the name of Jesus. 30. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I trample on the spirit of error, in the name of Jesus. 31. I receive sound mind, in the name of Jesus. 32. I receive grace to know the mysteries of God, in the name of Jesus. 33. I abide in God’s secret place, in the name of Jesus. 34. Let the anointing of God, destroy the yokes of slumber in my life, in the name of Jesus. 35. Let GGDEM prosper, in the name of Jesus. 36. O Lord let GGDEM soar above the storms of life as you have said, in the name of Jesus. 37. Let the congregations of the wicked scatter by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus. 38. Thank You Lord for answering my prayers, in the name of Jesus. Pray as the Holy Spirit Gives You Utterance