Topic: Be Fruitful and Multiply

Songs of Praise and worship

Scripture Reading: Gen 1:26-29, Gen 9, Gen 13, Gen 15:5. Psalm 51, Ps. 18

10 The Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people. Today and tomorrow set them apart to be holy. Have them wash their clothes. 11 And let them be ready for the third day. For on the third day people will see the Lord come down on Mount Sinai” (Exo. 19:10-11).

Father I thank You for Your grace upon my life. Lord! You know everything about me and there is nothing I can hide from. Father forgive me all the sins of the lust of the flesh, the pride of life and the deceit of the heart. Forgive me lord for being a canal, selfish, faithless, religious, self-righteous, an idolater, luke-warm and compromising Christian. Anything in me that will disqualify me before You. Lord! Expose and destroy them from me. Forgive my nation and I for perverting justice, corruption, shedding innocent blood through ritual killing in the form of accidents and abortion; persecuting the strangers, orphans, widows and widowers. Thank You Lord for answered prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen!

  1. I take authority over the remaining of this year, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  2. I challenge the remaining of this year with the blood of Jesus Christ.
  3. Any hindering spirit assigned to hinder my prayers, be crushed in the name of Jesus Christ.
  4. Let the angel of death visit the camps of my enemies, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  5. Let the siege of the enemies over my life be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  6. Let the siege of the enemies over my environment be broken in the name of Jesus Christ.
  7. Let the siege of the enemies over my destiny, be broken in the name of Jesus Christ.
  8. Let there be fruitfulness in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  9. Let my fruits begin to multiply, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  10. Let the yokes of hard labour over the body of Christ, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  11. Let the mockers of God, be put to shame, in the name of Jesus.
  12. Let the confidence of God’s enemy be shattered to piece, in the name of Jesus Christ
  13. Consuming fire of God; consume every sickness in the lives of God’s children, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  14. Let the siege of the enemies over GGDEM be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  15. O Lord! Revive the old and new members of GGDEM, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  16. O Lord! Distinguish GGDEM members with uncommon wisdom, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  17. All the souls ordained to serve God in GGDEM, let them come in now and be established, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  18. Let the fire of revival burn in GGDEM, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  19. Every troubler of GGDEM, the Lord of hosts will trouble you today in the name of Jesus Christ.
  20. Let the siege of the enemies over my career be broken in the name of Jesus Christ.
  21. Let the council of witchcraft in my family and environment be destroyed.
  22. Let the council of marine power in my family and environment be destroyed, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  23. Let the judgement seat of darkness fighting against my greatness, be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ.
  24. Any chief witchcraft, marine or occult counsellor in my foundation, fall and die in the name of Jesus Christ.
  25. Let God arise and let the light of greatness in me break forth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  26. O God of distinction! Distinguish me from my peers, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • With my God I am free from the curse of bareness, stagnancy, failure and poverty. With my God all things are possible in my life. With my God I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthen me. With my God I am more than a conqueror. With my God all my needs are supplied, in the name of Jesus Christ. With my God all my hand works are blessed. With my God I can defeat any army that may rise against me. With my God I will prosper in everything I am doing, in the name of Jesus Christ. With my God I will make heaven at last, in the name of Jesus Christ.


Pray as the Spirit of the Lord gives you utterances!