Praise & Worship

Scripture Reading: Isa 65:24, Prov 6:5

Scripture confession: Job 22:28-29, Phil 4:6-7


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalms 51:10

1. Father I thank you for victory in the name of Jesus Christ.

2. Create in me a clean heart, O God, in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. Renew a steadfast spirit within me, O, God, in the name of Jesus Christ.

4. Remove from me Lord, a fearful heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

5. Remove from me Lord, a proud and arrogant heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

6. Remove from me Lord, an unteachable heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

7. Remove from me Lord, a rebellious heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

8. Remove from me Lord, a murmuring heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. Remove from me Lord, an idolatrous heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. Remove from me Lord, a covetous heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

11. Remove from me Lord, a sexual immoral heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

12. Remove from me Lord, a canal heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

13. Remove from me Lord, an unbelieving heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

14. Remove from me Lord, a troubled heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

15. Remove from me Lord, a murderous heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

16. Remove from me Lord, a vagabond heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

17. Remove from me Lord, a wavering heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

18. Remove from me Lord, a stubborn heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

19. Create in me O Lord a heart that seeks after You, in the name of Jesus Christ.

20. Create in me O Lord a forgiving heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

21. Create in me O Lord a grateful heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

22. Create in me O Lord a believing heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

23. Create in me O Lord a bold heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

24. Create in me O Lord a humble heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

25. Create in me O Lord a heart that delights in Your law, in the name of Jesus Christ.

26. Create in me O Lord a wise and understanding heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

27. Set my heart on Your fire O Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.

28. Let the fire of revival burn in my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

29. Let ceaseless prayers go on in my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

30. Let the life of Jesus Christ be in my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

31. Let the words of Christ dwell in my heart richly, in the name of Jesus Christ.

32. Let the spoilers be far away from my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

33. Let the fire of God expose and destroy any evil in my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

34. Let the fire of God expose and destroy any evil imagination against me, in the name of Jesus Christ.

35. Let the gates of faith be opened into my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.

36. Thank You Lord for answering my prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Surely, Jesus Christ Will Turn Your Shame into Glory!

Pray as the Spirit of the Lord gives you utterance!